Friday, April 17, 2009

Friday again

So fast, it come to Friday again. A week had passed by.
When i get older, i really feel time flying by. My time is not counting by day, is counting by week or even month.
Last Friday was the last lunch i have with u. Yes, may be we will still having lunch together in the future. I dare not to say for tomorrow things.
During the last lunch, you didn;t say much as you always.
What I can remember was you keep say I am stupid because never set the venue to be in shoping complex so that we can eat sushi and continue with some shoping since i have 2 hour lunch.
If time can be revise, would you change all ur "stupid" to be come "I love you"?
Will look at me more often, will u spent more time to look at me but not to complain the food?
Will you join me in the conversation but not leave me seeking for topic which you may interested with?
I think you have no answer for this as well.
Nevermind, because whatever had passed by can't be changed.
Very soon, another week will go and days just continue and we still alive.
By the way, i never unhappy with your trip to go Ipoh. I understand and happy for you to have some activities with colleague.
I know you must be very lonely and boring during my away to Sabah. Thats why you keep mention it to convince yourself to go Ipoh and leave me in KL.
I am really ok with it. Our quarrel is never because of this.

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